Tuesday, April 5, 2011

whatever will be will be

Inspiration has been fickle lately. I know I shouldn't be waiting for sparks. I should be creating them. The above is the sort of stuff that comes from rubbing the tiniest slivers of gravel together. Looking for some bigger rocks soon. 


  1. That was such a cute post.....loved it....I've missed you...*hugs*

  2. i know what you mean sista. sometimes i have to force myself to write or sew or whatever and it's like squeezing water out of rocks. but sometimes when i force it i surprize myself and come up with something that isn't crap. cute post.

  3. Oh wow, look at you with the pictures and the dialogue bubbles. Who needs inspiration when you can create this!
    And very funny! I love the comment about remaining in the 30th percentile and becoming a jockey. Everybody has to have a dream right! :)

  4. If this is what you get, then you are AMAZING! Sheesh, I have been blocked for awhile - I need your inspiration.

  5. If that's fickle inspiration, I can only imagine what the future holds for us on your blog! You are so fantabulous even when you are feeling uninspired.

  6. Great post! I'm convinced that my cat and 2 year-old communicate. They conspire against me. I love your illustrations! You have such a talent!

    PS) My little hobbit is in the SECOND percentile for height and weight. Does that make her a rat jockey? :)

  7. Aww, she is a little peanut. No, no rat jockeys. I think we can find her an adorable fluffy little hamster to ride.
