The next installment in the A**Hole in One series was submitted by my friend, S (she asked that I refer to her and her daughter by their initials), after a particularly trying afternoon pick up at daycare with her three year old daughter, N. Anyone who has ever tried carrying a sack of screaming, squirming piglets over their shoulder while wearing dress shoes in the middle of an ice slicked, snow burdened winter will appreciate the following anecdote.
N hates to leave
daycare. Emphasis on the HATES. Yesterday was especially horrific. Here is how
it went.
Me: (Arriving at her
classroom door) Hi sweetie! It's time to go.
N: (Seriously pissed
off face alternating with near tears face) Go get my brother first.
Me: No.
N: Please Mommy.
Me: No.
N: Can I have a few
more minutes? (Now with teenage-level
Me: OK. I'll be back
in a few minutes, so finish up what you are playing with.
Ten minutes later I
return with baby bundled in tow. N sees me at the door. She GLARES at me as if I've
just stolen the last French fry off her plate.
What followed was 7
minutes of foot stomping and hair tossing, alternating with crying on the floor
in the fetal position.
I finally get her out
of the classroom by leaving. She walks out, taking the world’s smallest steps,
and meets me at her cubby.
What happened next
was 20 minutes of shouting, crying, flailing, refusal to get coat, boots and
other winter apparel on. All the while throwing her body around in such a way
that other happy, accommodating children cannot access their belongings. I
should mention that her shouting usually includes "Ouch mommy! Stop Mommy!
Don't hurt me!" (I don't need to mention that I'm not even touching her,
I am now sweating
and fuming. A sympathetic parent tries holding the door open to no avail as we
are barely moving.
In the end, we left with
her over my shoulder (no boots, hat or mittens, coat unzipped) while I also balanced the baby in the infant carrier through the snow to
the car.For more information about how you can contribute to A**Hole in One, please click here. What's the good in enduring our own crappy experiences if we can't share them later with others in their similar times of affliction?